Google GOAL SEEK in Excel

GOAL SEEK in Excel

What is GoalSeek in Micorosoft Excel?????

Goal Seek is used when you know what answer you want, but don't know the exact figure to input 
for that answer. 
You want to work 35 hours per week and gain at the end of the month a salary of 5'500 $'s. How 

much per hour are you going to ask?

1 Prepare your table. 
2 Cell B4 contains this formula: =B2*B3 
3 Cell B3 contains the salary per hour, 0 SFr for 
now. The Goal Seek tool will modify this value 
to find the solution. 
4 Under the Data tab, in the Data Tools group, click What-If 
Analysis -> Goal Seek. A dialog box appears. 
5 In the Set Cell zone, indicate the cell containing your goal 
6 In the To Value zone, type the value you want to meet in the 
Goal cell: 5500. 
7 In the By changing cell zone, indicate the cell to be modified: 
8 Click OK. Excel shows a dialog box. If the Current value is equal 
to the Target value, the result is found. 
9 To earn 5'500 $. You need to ask 37.41 $. per hour. 

 Using Goal Seek 
 Using a new function. The function FV( ) is useful to calculate an investment. The syntax 
is: =FV(rate;nper;pmt) 

You want to save 200'000 $. To pay the studies of your children in 18 years. The annual interest 
rate is 5%. How much do you need to pay per year? 
1 Prepare your table. 
2 The cell B7 contains a formula to calculate your 
future amount. At the end of the payments, this cell 
should contain 200'000 $. 
3 The cell B5 contains the annual payment, i.e. 0 $. 
The Goal Seek will modify this value. 
4 Cells B3 and B4 contain constants. 
5 Launch the Goal Seek tool. 
6 If the target value is equal to the current value, the result is correct. You must put each 
month 7'109.24 in your bank account to have 200'000 in 18 
Cash you pay out, such as deposits to savings, is represented by 
negative numbers. 

If you have any questions on gaol seek post it in comment section.....

Happy goalseeking!!!!!! 

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